
About Us

Team Lead
Web UI Developer I
Web UI Developer II
Front-End Architect I
Front-End Architect II
Backend Architect
Team Lead - Alex King
Alex King
Alex is a software developer from Seattle with a love of coffee, pleasant user experience, and intentionality. His dedication to teamwork and passion for delivering solid solutions for everyday problems were a driving force behind Potluck Planner's development.
Web UI developer I - Connor McNamee
Connor McNamee
Connor is a web developer from Massachusetts with an eye for design and a passion for art and video games. Connor's talent with CSS was a major contribution to the Potluck team.
Web UI Developer II - Britt Moyers
Britt Moyers
Britt is a web developer from Tennessee with a flair for the dramatic and a strong desire to build cool things. When not at the computer, you'll find Britt crafting campaign settings, characters, and tools for the world of Tabletop RPGs.
Front End Architect I - Cassandra Springer
Cassandra Springer
An aspiring entrepreneur as well as a developer, Cassandra's big dreams are matched only by her talent. Her creativity and passion for a broad range of topics - from animals to health and even design - shows in her ever-growing body of top-notch work.
Front End Architect II - Ang Xu
Ang Xu
Ang is a Texas based devloper with a background in finance. His time at Lambda has sharpened Ang's unparalleled technical skills; his dream is to take those skills back into the finance world to develop tomorrow's cutting edge, financial technology.
Backend Architect - Erik Sandoval
Erik Sandoval
A developer from southern California, Erik's solid contributions are the backbone of Potluck Planner. When not programming, Erik enjoys gaming and learning about retro Nintendo products.
Copyright Potluck Planner 2019